Hands On Soundcraft Ui Mixer


Soundcraft Ui Mixer verstehen und beherrschen – mit diesem ultimativen Videotraining!

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Hands On Soundcraft Ui Mixer - Das umfassende Videotraining

  • Soundcraft Ui Mixer verstehen und beherrschen
  • Schritt für Schritt und anschaulich erklärt
  • Gesammeltes Profiwissen – komplett auf Deutsch
  • Interaktiver Videolernkurs für PC, Mac und Tablet

Soundcraft Ui Mixer verstehen und beherrschen – mit diesem ultimativen Videotraining! In anschaulichen Videolektionen erklärt der Autor und Produktspezialist Wolfgang Benke den gesamten Funktionsumfang der Soundcraft Ui Digitalmixer. Schritt für Schritt werden alle Bereiche in Funktion und Bedienung vorgestellt, wobei stets hilfreiche Tipps für die Praxis mit einfließen.

Angefangen bei wichtigen Grundlagen zur optimalen Einrichtung und Bedienung werden Schritt für Schritt alle Funktionen anschaulich behandelt. Darüber hinaus widmet sich der Kurs auch ausführlich fortgeschrittenen Funktionen und praktischen Anwendungsbeispielen. Das vermittelte Wissen geht dabei weit über das hinaus, was im Handbuch oder anderen deutschsprachigen Quellen zu finden ist. Damit stellt dieser Kurs vermutlich die fundierteste und kompletteste Wissenssammlung zur Soundcraft Ui Digitalmixer-Serie in deutscher Sprache dar.

Egal, für welchen Bereich Sie einen Soundcraft Ui Mixer einsetzen (Live, Studio, Theater etc.) – dieser Lernkurs vermittelt von Grund auf das notwendige Wissen für einen optimalen Workflow in Ihrer Arbeitsumgebung. Unser bewährtes ”Hands On“-Konzept sorgt dafür, dass auch komplexe Themen leicht und verständlich vermittelt werden – natürlich komplett auf Deutsch!

Hinweis: Aufgrund des gleichen Aufbaus und der gleichen Funktionsweise ist dieser Kurs für alle Digitalmixer aus der Soundract Ui Mixer-Serie geeignet.

Aus dem Inhalt:

  • Hörerwartungen kennen und damit spielenHardware und Anschlussmöglichkeiten im Überblick
  • Die möglichen Verbindungsarten im Detail (LAN, Wifi, eigener Hotspot)
  • Die Mixer-Oberfläche im Überblick
  • Bedienung über Computer, Tablet oder Touch-Screen
  • Wichtige Tastaturkürzel und Schnellzugriffe
  • Quickstart-Kapitel – der Schnellstart in der Praxis
  • Die Kanalzüge im Detail
  • Die Prozessoren im Detail (EQ, Gate, Compressor etc.)
  • Amp-Simulation
  • Arbeiten mit Aux-Sends
  • Zusätzliche Aux-Wege einrichten
  • Monitormischung erstellen
  • Monitormischung mit der MoreMe-Funktion
  • Zugriffsrechte konfigurieren
  • Effekte für Aux-Kanäle
  • PA mit EQ auf Raumverhältnisse abstimmen
  • Die integrierten Effekte im Detail und in der Praxis (Reverb, Delay, Chorus etc.)
  • Gruppierungsmöglichkeiten im Detail
  • Recording mit dem UI-Mixer
  • Mehrspuraufnahme direkt auf USB-Stick
  • UI-SessionMaker-App
  • Ui-Mixer in Verbindung mit einer DAW (Ui24)
  • Ui24 Patchbay
  • Arbeiten mit Presets und Snapshots
  • Der Offline-Editor in der Praxisanwendung
  • Automix-Funktion
  • Unterschiedliche Kopfhörer-Mischungen
  • Mixer kaskadieren
  • Einfache Lichtsteuerung (Ui24)
  • Viele Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis

Geeignet für Anwender von:

  • Alle Soundcraft Ui Mixer (Ui12 / Ui16 / Ui24 / Ui24R)

Das bietet dieser Videolernkurs für PC, Mac und Tablet:

  • 12 Stunden Videolektionen
  • Gestochen scharfe Videos in Full-HD-Auflösung
  • Integrierte Lektionsbeschreibungen
  • Setzen von eigenen Lesezeichen
  • Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden gewünschter Themenbereiche
  • Videos mit iPad und anderen Tablets kompatibel
    (Übertragung muss von einem PC oder Mac erfolgen)


  • Windows PC ab 1,6 GHz, min. 512 MB Speicher
  • Mac ab OS 10.6.x, min. 512 MB Speicher
  • 1920 x 1080 Bildschirmauflösung
  • Soundkarte

Videos auf ein Tablet bzw. Smartphone ansehen:

  1. Den entsprechenden Kurs auf einen PC oder Mac laden. Per Download oder von DVD kopieren.
  2. Den Ordner "Videos" auf ein Tablet oder Smartphone kopieren. Anleitung im Kurs enthalten.
    Anmerkung: Bei einem Download muss die ZIP-Datei vor dem kopieren entpackt werden.
Weitere Informationen
Autor Wolfgang Benke
Sprache Deutsch
Laufzeit ca. 12 Stunden
Kompatibilität Android, iPad, Mac, PC


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Kapitel- und Lektionsübersicht:

Einzelvideo - Introduction Introduction to this learning course.
Gesamtspieldauer: 03:39

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Introduction to this learning course.

Einzelvideo - Hardware and Connection Options Overview In this video, we provide an overview of the hardware and connection options.
Gesamtspieldauer: 10:48

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In this video, we provide an overview of the hardware and connection options.

Chapter – Preparations and Setup This chapter covers important basic settings and connection options.
Gesamtspieldauer: 43:28

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In this brief introduction, we present the various methods (hotspot, Wi-Fi, LAN) for establishing a connection with the mixer.
There are two ways to reset the mixer. With a network reset, all network settings and passwords are reset. With a factory reset (full reset), all other mixer settings (including firmware!) are also reset.
In this video, we establish the initial connection to the mixer via the integrated hotspot. We outline all the necessary steps in detail. Important: If you are prompted to enter a password for this connection, please use the following "standard" password: scuiwlan.
In this video, we demonstrate the option to connect your computer and the mixer directly using a network cable.
Here, we show how to connect the mixer to an existing Wi-Fi network.
In this video, we delve into the various network settings in detail. Additionally, you will find tips and suggestions on how to set up a more complex configuration.
The firmware is to our digital mixer what the operating system is to our computer. We provide a detailed guide on how to update your mixer's firmware and what to be mindful of during the process.

Chapter – Overview of the Mixer Interface In this chapter, we provide an overview of the mixer interface and offer essential guidance and tips on how to operate it.
Gesamtspieldauer: 47:41

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In this introduction, we demonstrate the option to work with the software demo on the Soundcraft website (www.soundcraft.com). This can also be used as an offline editor for the Ui24. For an initial overview, we reset the Local Settings of the interface. Within this section, you will also find the capability to manage presets for these settings.
Now, we will take a closer look at all the essential areas of our Ui mixer. This is just a basic overview of the interface.
In this video, you will learn some ways to efficiently work with a mouse on a computer or with the touch interface of a tablet.
When working with our mixer in conjunction with a computer (or a connected keyboard), many keyboard commands come in handy for accessing and editing different sections.
The Slideout area provides direct access to crucial functions of our mixer. You can influence the appearance and behavior of this Slideout in the Local Settings, tailoring it to your preferred workflow. We also address the configuration differences between Ui12/16 and Ui24 here.
The Faderglow function provides valuable guidance during mixing. There are various options for adjusting the presentation of this behavior.
With View Groups, we have six additional layers available, which can be freely customized. This allows us, for example, to quickly group channels in the view, making them readily accessible for mixing tasks.
The "Big Desktop View," available exclusively for Ui24 when working with larger monitors, provides an extensive overview of our entire mixer. We explain the various possibilities in detail. Note: This mode is exclusive to the Ui24. Nevertheless, users of the smaller mixers should also watch this video. You will find a video (keyword "Sync ID") in the last chapter of this course where we demonstrate how to achieve a similar workflow on all Ui mixers.

Chapter – Quick Start This Quick Start chapter will introduce you to some of the most important basic functions in practice, from setting up channels to creating a complete mix.
Gesamtspieldauer: 55:34

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This Quick Start chapter focuses on providing an overview of various workflows with this mixer through a practical example.
Using the "Mixer Reset" function under the Settings/Shows, we can quickly initialize our mixer. This offers a solid starting point for our practical work.
In this video, we provide a detailed overview of the various inputs and outputs of our mixer.
After establishing our audio connections, in the submenu of the channel strips, we find functions to label and color-code the channels.
In this video, we demonstrate the adjustment of input signals using a practical example. The LED display on the respective channel strip also assists us by providing information about the pre- and post-fader levels.
Once we've properly adjusted our signals, we can continue working with the signal processors (effects) in the channel strip. Each channel strip offers an EQ and dynamic effects such as Gate and Compressor. We will delve into these effects in detail in the next chapter. For now, we focus on working with presets, which can serve as a good starting point for our mix.
In this video, we explore various methods to assist us in creating a mix. We cover the fundamental use of VCA faders, Subgroups, and Mute Groups.
The Aux Send buses of our mixer can be used for monitor mixes, allowing us to provide individual monitor signals to each musician. In this video, we show how to create such mixes and make use of the "Copy Mix" function.
With the Snapshot function, we can save our created mix and quickly recall it.

Chapter – The Channel Strip in Detail In this chapter, we take an in-depth look at the various functions and processors within the channel strips.
Gesamtspieldauer: 01:34:02

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In this chapter, we thoroughly examine the processors (effects) available within each channel strip of our mixer. To effectively work with these processors such as EQ, Gate, and Compressor on our signal, it can be important to understand the signal flow within a channel strip. We provide a detailed overview of this signal flow through a diagram.
This video covers the input configuration of our mixer channels. With the Ui24, there is the option to assign different input sources to the mixer channels.
In this video, we delve into the functions on the Gain page in detail. Here, we have access to Phantom Power (+48V), Phase Reverse, and Input Delay. In the first two channels, we also have the option to adapt the input for a guitar or bass. We conclude by demonstrating input level adjustments for two different microphones and display pre- and post-fade levels using a practical example.
In the EQ section of our channel strip's Edit area, we have a variety of editing options available: various filters, a parametric 4-band EQ, the "Easy EQ," Real-Time Analyzer, and the De-Esser. In this video, we demonstrate the basic operation of these functions.
We showcase the use of the EQ with two practical examples (keyboards and bass drum).
The De-Esser allows for dynamic processing of sibilant sounds in speech and vocals. We explain its function with a practical example and provide tips for its use.
The Gate helps reduce unwanted signal components in our channel. Using a snare drum as an example, we illustrate how it can be used to attenuate crosstalk from other drum instruments. To maintain a natural snare sound, we work with the three time parameters: Attack, Hold, and Release.
With the Compressor available in our channel strip, we can control the dynamics of our signal. Using a practical example, we demonstrate how the parameters Threshold, Ratio, and Gain interact. The time parameters, Attack and Release, allow us to shape the dynamic response of our signal.
The first two mixer channels provide us with an amp simulation by DigiTech. We explore its possibilities with a practical example. Note: For Ui12 and Ui16, you must have your instrument (guitar, bass) connected to the first or second input, as these mixers have fixed input-to-mixer channel assignments.
With the Ui24, you can assign one input to multiple mixer channels. In this example, we highlight the possibilities that arise when working with the amp simulation.
In this video, we offer some hints and tips for working with the processors in the channel strip and using the functions in the channel strip menu.

Chapter – Working with Aux Sends In this chapter, we gain practical experience with Aux Sends through various application examples.
Gesamtspieldauer: 01:02:27

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In this chapter, we take a detailed look at the additional output paths (Aux). These additional outputs are often used for independent monitor mixes for musicians on stage or in the studio. In this introduction, we provide an overview of the different ways to work with the Aux Send controls.
In this video, we explain the functionality of the "Mute," "Pre- and Post-Fade," and "Pre- and Post-Processing" switches. These features essentially allow us to determine where the signals are tapped for mixing in our Aux bus.
The Ui Series mixers offer two extra Aux Sends. To utilize these additional Aux Sends, specific settings are required. For example, we can use the headphone output as an additional aux output.
In this video, we demonstrate how to create different monitor mixes in practice. We also use the "Copy Mix" function, which saves time by allowing us to build multiple mixes without starting from scratch each time, especially useful in a live setting.
Musicians on stage can customize their own monitor mix using a tablet or smartphone. However, making quick adjustments as desired may be challenging. This is where the "MoreMe" function comes in. We showcase the configuration and use of this function through a practical example.
Under the "Access" page in Settings, we have the option to configure and manage access rights to the mixer. By using a master password, musicians can only adjust their own monitor mix, but they won't have access to any other functions of the mixer.
Similar processors (effects) to those in channel strips are available in the Aux Master channels. In this video, we provide an overview of the corresponding functions.
We initially explain the fundamental operation of the graphic EQ that can be used in the Master output to adjust the PA to room conditions.
When using multiple microphones on a stage, feedback issues can be common. We show how to address these problems using the graphic EQ. Ui mixers also offer automatic feedback suppression (AFS2) in the outputs. We explain how to set up this function.

Chapter – Working with Effects This chapter is all about the integrated effects of the Ui mixers.
Gesamtspieldauer: 01:29:54

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In this chapter, we take a detailed look at the integrated send effects (Reverb, Delay, and Chorus). In this introduction, we initially highlight the differences between processors (EQ, Gate, and Compressor) and send effects. We also familiarize ourselves with many aspects that will be covered in the following lessons.
In this video, we provide an example of using send effects in practice. We also discuss the tap point (Pre and Post) of the FX Send controls. Finally, we show how to influence the effect level in the master mix using the FX Return channels.
In this video, we demonstrate how to add send effects to a monitor mix through the Aux Sends.
The FX Return channels also provide us with processors like EQ, Gate, and Compressor. This gives us the same capabilities as our input channels for processing the pure effect signal. Using a practical example, we show the Gate function to abruptly trim a reverb tail.
In this video, we detail the individual parameters of the reverb effects. By adjusting these parameters, we shape the desired reverb space.
In this video, we delve into the parameters of the delay (echo) effect in detail. An important feature is the option to "tap" the tempo of the repetitions and use musical subdivisions (note values). Finally, we demonstrate the "Global Tap" option, allowing you to use the Tap Tempo function directly in the Slideout area.
In this video, we explore the possibilities of the chorus effect in detail. Since this effect offers only three parameters, we use EQ in the FX Return channel to further shape the effect.
Now, we show how to incorporate an external effects device into our mix through the Aux buses. We go into detail about the cabling and signal routing.
The Ui24 features an integrated 32-channel audio interface. With appropriate software, we can set up a virtual effects rack. In this introduction, we provide the necessary information on connection and signal routing (patching) for using it as a virtual effects rack.
In this example, we use Waves' MultiRack software as a virtual effects rack. We showcase the basic capabilities of this software and process a signal with various plugins configured as inserts and send effects.
In this video, we utilize audioström's LiveProfessor2 software (www.audiostrom.com) as a virtual effects rack. This software allows for the use of plugins in VST, VST3, and AU formats installed on your computer system.

Chapter – Working with Groups The Ui mixers provide various grouping options, which we will thoroughly explore in this chapter.
Gesamtspieldauer: 59:14

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With View Groups, we have the option to configure custom views of our mixer. This makes working on specific details of our mix considerably more organized.
Mute Groups allow us to mute or unmute a specific combination of our mixer channels. We demonstrate the use and configuration of these Mute Groups.
VCA Groups give us the possibility to collectively adjust the volume of channels assigned to a VCA Group. We show the practical application, configuration, and Spill function.
In Subgroups, we can group channels of our mixer together, allowing us to not only adjust the volume of this group but also shape the sound of the entire group. In the channel strip of the Subgroups, we find the processors EQ, Gate, and Compressor, which enable us to further shape the sound of the entire group. Using a practical example, we will illustrate the configuration and application possibilities.
The compressor in Subgroups 2 to 6 allows us to use an external signal for the compressor's control path (sidechaining). In our practical example, we demonstrate this ducking effect and the necessary configurations in detail.
On the Ui24, the Aux Sends can be switched to to function as a Matrix. In a matrix mix, we no longer have access to the "regular" mixer channels; instead, we work with the outputs, Aux Sends, and Subgroups. Here, we provide guidance on using such a Matrix.

Chapter – Recording with the Ui Mixer This chapter focuses on the Recording and Playback features of the Ui Series mixers.
Gesamtspieldauer: 01:10:03

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In this chapter, we discuss the recording and playback possibilities of our Ui mixer. We start by addressing the various connections and provide essential tips for using different USB storage devices.
All three mixers in the Ui Series offer the option to play stereo audio files in different formats. We provide a detailed explanation of the Playback function in this video.
For Ui16 and Ui24, it is possible to record the master left/right mix directly. We demonstrate this with practical examples, including recording a demo mix and simultaneous playback and recording.
In this video, we show how to perform multitrack recording directly onto a USB flash drive using a Ui24 mixer. For such multitrack recording, patching (internal cabling within the mixer) plays a crucial role. This multitrack recording can then be further processed in our digital audio workstation (DAW), or it serves as an excellent starting point for a virtual soundcheck.
Soundcraft provides a small app for working with the Ui24, which allows us to export prepared audio files into a multitrack session for our mixer. We demonstrate where to find this app for download and how to use it.
In this video, we showcase the flexibility of working with the Ui24 in conjunction with a digital audio workstation (DAW). We delve into signal routing (patching) to the DAW and demonstrate various signal access points for recording using a practical example.
The digital patchbay in the Ui24 mixer holds great potential. Whether in a live or studio setting, it enables the creation of many creative possibilities. We illustrate the practical aspects of working with this complex section of the mixer.

Chapter – Working with Presets and Snapshots This chapter focuses on working with presets and snapshots.
Gesamtspieldauer: 32:16

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Utilizing presets for various aspects of our digital mixer can save us a significant amount of time and provide valuable support in our mix. We demonstrate the practical use of these presets and their management (export and import).
The Snapshot function allows us to save the current "state" of our mixer. We provide detailed guidance on working with Shows, Snapshots, Cues, as well as the options for exporting and importing entire shows using a USB storage medium.
The Soundcraft website (www.soundcraft.com) provides a software demo for the Ui24 that includes an offline editor. Using a practical example, we show how this editor can be used to prepare many settings in advance.

Chapter – Advanced Topics In this chapter, we delve into various advanced possibilities and use cases, including features like AutoMix, different headphone mixes, and touchscreen operation.
Gesamtspieldauer: 53:31

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Using a practical example, we demonstrate the AutoMix function. This feature is suitable for speech applications (e.g., panel discussions). The AutoMix function helps address issues like feedback and speech intelligibility that typically arise when working with multiple microphones.
Our mixer includes a foot pedal connection. We showcase a practical application of this feature in conjunction with a footswitch.
In this video, we demonstrate the possibility to create different headphone mixes for the outputs Headphones 1 and 2.
In this example, we connect a monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly to the Ui24. The mixer provides an HDMI output and two USB ports on the side for this purpose. We show basic operational functions, which do not significantly differ from the methods previously shown. The advantage here is that you no longer need a computer to control your mixer.
At the Ui24, touchscreen monitors can be directly connected. We present options for working with such monitors in conjunction with your digital mixer.
The "Sync-ID" feature allows us to synchronize channel selection between multiple control devices. We demonstrate various ways to use this synchronization in practical scenarios.
Two Ui24 mixers can be cascaded through a network connection. We provide a configuration demonstration and two usage examples.
In the current firmware version, the Ui24 also offers simple lighting control capabilities. We explain the configuration related to this feature within the mixer. In practice, it is advisable to coordinate with the lighting technician.
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